Friday, June 3, 2011

Eyebrow Waxes and Ring Tanlines

Today I got my eyebrows done. I am more than capable of taking care of my own eyebrows but getting them done is such a relaxing experience for me (is that weird?) and to be perfectly honest, I'm really lazy sometimes. Other than the giant red marks (thanks, sensitive skin!) around my forehead region, I think they look really good. I am very partial to a good eyebrow situation. As I tweeted just a little while ago, a good eyebrow situation is like a tan; everybody looks much better with one.

Today I also went to the Boys and Girls Club nearby(ish) my house to play softball with my dad. I don't like to wear rings when I throw, so I took them off. Tanlines already! Score. Weirdly enough, as much as I generally dislike tanlines, I am actually quite fond of jewelry tanlines. Here's why: they're not large enough to be unsightly, but they're noticeable enough to me to remind myself that I have been getting my daily dose of Vitamin D and that I'm continuing.

Only two bad things about this day:
1) It was too chilly and windy to hit the beach today, so I was confined to my house for the majority of the day. Even though I'm really tired because last night's sleep was awful and far too short, having been in the house for this much of the day is giving me cabin fever! All the more reason to go for an extra long run this evening, right? Wrong. This is because the second bad thing about today is that
2) I am feeling SO lazy and have zero motivation to go work out ): I don't know where this lack of motivation is coming from but it better peace out quick or I am going to be annoyed.

That's really all that's been on my mind today. I am forcing myself to go run and do a light weight/ab circuit now so there may be more later, but I'll leave the really deep thinking to tonight after burnfest 2k11 (that's exactly what it sounds like).

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